
Guidance: Register your business as a building control approver

Health Safety Executive

September 20
09:46 2024

To apply, call us on 0300 790 6787. Your standard call rates will apply.

Well ask for your email address and send you an application form, spreadsheet and ShareFile link with instructions on how to complete and upload your application.

When to register

Businesses that carry out building control work must be registered by 6 April 2024 to operate as a registered building control approver (RBCA).

Businesses that have not registered by 6 April 2024 will not be able to do new building control work after this date.

Transitional arrangements allow businesses who do not register to complete work in progress before leaving the profession. All higher-risk building projects must be completed by 6 April 2024. All other building projects must be completed by 1 October 2024.

Any businesses not registered as an RBCA by 6 April 2024, and who attempt to continue working as an approved inspector beyond these dates, may be committing a criminal offence which could result in prosecution.

Registration as an RBCA replaces the approved inspector register run by CICAIR.

Who should register

An RBCA can be a standalone business, part of a wider corporate group, a sole trader or partnership.

A senior employee who can represent the business should submit the application. For example, an owner, director, partner or senior manager. This person will be the main contact for BSR.

What we will ask you for

During your application well ask you to provide:

  • information about your business, such as name, address, email and phone
  • the building control functions your business will do, and whether it offers additional services other than building control
  • information about the person who we should contact to discuss your application, such as name, email and phone, and their role in the business
  • the number of registered building inspectors and building inspectors waiting to be registered which your business employs or contracts with

Well ask if your business is, or was, an approved inspector registered with CICAIR, whether it is subject to any ongoing action, such as sanctions, and whether you have any current higher-risk building projects in progress.

Well ask you to upload a diagram of the organisational structure of your business, including where it is part of a wider group structure.

Well ask you for the names of current owners and directors, and:

  • any other companies they are directors of or hold an interest in that may cause a conflict of interest
  • whether they have any relevant unspent criminal convictions

Well ask if the business or any of its managers or building inspectors have been subject to HSE enforcement action in the last 5 years.

Well ask you to confirm that your business has written operating procedures covering your planned building control work.

Well ask you to confirm that your business has policies for:

  • recruitment and development
  • whistleblowing
  • conflicts of interest
  • money laundering
  • health, safety and wellbeing
  • data protection
  • staff conduct
  • equality, diversity and inclusion
  • managing contractors
  • handling complaints
  • internal audit
  • insurance

Well ask you to confirm that you will:

  • comply with the professional conduct rules and operational standards rules for the countries you are registered in
  • update information provided in support of your registration within 28 days of it changing
  • consent to some details of your registration being published

Pay for registration

Whether you register in England, Wales or both, you will have to pay:

  • a registration charge of 4,494
  • a charge of 124 per hour for our staff to review your application
  • an annual maintenance charge of 3,439 (due from the first anniversary after registration)

You can find out more about the:

Registration is for 5 years, unless varied, suspended or cancelled by BSR.

Before you start

If you are unsure about any of these requirements, read the guidance on this page about the regulation of RBCAs under the Building Safety Act 2022, and our professional conduct and operational standards rules.

After you submit the application

Well review the application and if required, ask you to provide further information. You may be asked to provide copies of documentation, and you could be invited to an interview.

If all the questions are not answered on the application form, or sufficient information has not been provided, then the application will be rejected.

Getting a decision

Well tell you if the application is approved, approved subject to conditions, or rejected.

In cases where the application is subject to conditions or rejected, well tell you why.

You can challenge the decision. The process is different depending on whether you applied to register in England, Wales, or both.

To request a review of an English registration decision, contact BSR within 21 days of receiving your decision. Youll need to tell us:

  • your application reference
  • the date the decision was made
  • the reasons why you want us to review the decision
  • any further information that may be relevant but was not available at the time of the original decision

If at the end of the review you are subject to conditions or rejected, you can appeal to the First-tier Tribunal.

To appeal a Welsh registration decision, you can lodge an appeal with the Magistrates Court within 21 days of receiving the decision. This time limit can be extended with the written agreement of BSR.

Public register

Details of each RBCA appear on the public register. The register allows people to confirm which businesses are registered as RBCAs, and the work they are registered to do.

There is one register for England and one for Wales. Your business will be included on the registers for the countries you tell us you work in.

The register shows:

  • name and address of the RBCA
  • the type of building control work the RBCA is registered to do
  • the start and end date of registration
  • details of any conditions of registration

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Removal from the register

An RBCA can be removed from the register if:

  • the business stops carrying out regulated building control work and asks to be taken off the register
  • the registration is not renewed
  • the RBCAs registration is suspended or cancelled by us

If an RBCA is removed from the register, we will continue to keep the information in line with our data retention policy.

To ask for your details to be taken off the register, call us on 0300 790 6787.

Making changes to your registration

You must notify us within 28 days of any changes relevant to the RBCA registration, which includes:

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