Hm Treasury
Russian Oil Services Ban HMT Guidance
Guidance for the UK ban on the provision of maritime transportation of, and associated services for the maritime transportation of, certain Russian oil and oil products.
HM Treasury Publication Notices, for INT/2024/4423849, INT/2023/3074680, INT/2022/2470156 and INT/2022/2470056
Publication notice for the General Licences which implement the Oil Price Cap and associated policies.
Updated Price Cap Coalition Advisory for the Maritime Oil Industry and Related Sectors
Oil Price Cap Coalition updated advisory with recommendations topromote responsible practices in the global maritime industry to prevent and disrupt sanctions evasion.
General Licences and Reporting Forms
GENERAL LICENCE Oil Price Cap INT/2024/4423849
The new Oil Price Cap General Licence (INT/2024/4423849)
Tier 1 reporting activity under Oil Price Cap General Licence INT/2022/2469656 or INT/2024/4423849
Form for Tier 1 Providers to report their activity under Oil Price Cap General Licence INT/2022/2469656 or INT/2024/4423849.
Tier 2/3 notification of dealing with a non-UK Tier 1 under INT/2022/2469656 or INT/2024/4423849
Form for use by Tier 2 or Tier 3A or 3B Providers acting under the authority of Oil Price Cap General Licence INT/2022/2469656 or INT/2024/4423849, for the purpose of notifying OFSI that they are dealing directly with a non-UK Tier 1 Provider.
Tier 2/3 notification that Tier 1 Provider has not confirmed compliance with reporting requirements under INT/2022/2469656
Form for use by Tier 2 and Tier 3 Providers to report to OFSI instances where a UK Tier 1 Provider, with whom they are directly transacting, has failed to confirm compliance with the requirement to notify OFSI of activity undertaken permitted under General Licence INT/2022/2469656.
GENERAL LICENCE Correspondent banking and payment processing INT/2022/2470056
Detail on the financial services scope of the maritime services ban.
GENERAL LICENCE Trading in Derivatives and Futures INT/2023/30742680
A General Licence regarding the exemption of Derivatives and Futures Trading from the scope of Oil Price Cap Exception and Maritime Services Ban.
GENERAL LICENCE Oil Price Cap: Exempt Projects and Countries INT/2022/2470156
A General Licence regarding the Sakhalin Island and other exempt projects.
Additional Forms (Breaches, Notifications, Applications)
Sample Attestation Form
Attestation form as agreed by G7for reference
Specific Licence Application form
This application form is for those applying for a specific OPC licence under the extraordinary situation licensing ground.
Notification for use of the exception when dealing with an emergency
Notification form for those reporting use of the exception when dealing with an emergency.
Breach reporting form
A form to report suspected breaches and compliance issues related to implementation of the UKs ban on the maritime transportation of Russian oil and oil products and associated services and the oil price cap