
Press release: International Investment Summit Adviser appointed

Hm Treasury

August 30
14:38 2024

In this role, Ian Corfield will work with the Chancellor, her political advisers and officials in the Treasury, as well as relevant teams across Government, to advise and help on delivering the International Investment Summit on 14 October 2024.

The summit itself is intended to advance opportunities for growth and investment across the country; make clear that the UK is open for business to trading partners around the globe; create a pro-business environment that supports innovation and high-quality jobs in the UK; and allow global business leaders to hear directly from the Prime Minister and Cabinet ministers on how the government will drive future investment.

Ian Corfield will advise on delivering these objectives in relation to the agenda, engagement of key businesses, and the investment pipeline generated from the event.

Ian Corfield will be in post until 31 October 2024. Declarations of interests have b

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