
Transparency data: Trade Specialised Committee on Goods

Hm Treasury

January 10
17:10 2023

First meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Goods on 8th October 2021: Agenda

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Minutes of the first Trade Specialised Committee on Goods, 8th October 2021


The Trade Specialised Committee on Goods is a joint forum for discussion of Goods market access issues between the UK and the EU.The Specialised Committee addresses matters covered by Chapter 1 of the Trade in Goods Title of the UK to EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Its role is mandated by Article 8 of the TCA, and shall meet at least once a year.

Published 4 October 2021
Last updated 10 January 2023 +show all updates
  1. Added: minutes and agenda of second Trade Specialised Committee on Goods

  2. First published.

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