
Immigration Rules Appendix Bereaved Partner

Home Office

October 9
08:00 2024

This route allows settlement where a person has, or was last granted, permission as a partner on a specified route and their partner has died.

The applicant must be in the UK, unless they were last granted permission as a partner under Appendix HM Armed Forces.

Dependent children can also apply on this route.

An alternative route for Bereaved partners of a Gurkha or Hong Kong military unit veteran discharged before 1 July 1997, is available under Appendix Gurkha and Hong Kong military unit veteran discharged before 1 July 1997.

Validity requirements for the Bereaved Partner route

BP 1.1. A person applying from outside the UK on the Bereaved Partner route must apply online for entry clearance on the website on form VAF (AF).

  1. BP 1.2. A person applying in the UK on the Bereaved Partner route must apply online on the website on the specified form as follows:
    1. (a) for applicants who were last granted permission as a partner or child under Appendix HM Armed Forces, form SET (AF); or
    2. (b) for all other bereaved partners or where a child is applying for permission on the Bereaved Partner route at the same time as their parent and who is included in their parents application (with the exception of children granted permission under Appendix HM Armed Forces), form SET(O); or
    3. (c) for children in the UK who are not applying for permission on the Bereaved Partner route at the same time as their parent (with the exception of those granted permission under Appendix HM Armed Forces), form SET(F).
  1. BP 1.3. An application on the Bereaved Partner route must meet all the following validity requirements:
    1. (a) any fee must have been paid (unless the applicant has been granted a fee waiver); and
    2. (b) the applicant must have provided any required biometrics; and
    3. (c) the applicant must have provided a passport or other document which satisfactorily establishes their identity and nationality.

BP 1.4. An application which does not meet all the validity requirements for the Bereaved Partner route may be rejected as invalid and not considered.

Suitability requirements for the Bereaved Partner route

BP 2.1. The applicant must not fall for refusal under Part 9: grounds for refusal, but paragraph 9.8.4.(a) does not apply.

Eligibility requirements for the Bereaved Partner route

Entry requirements for the Bereaved Partner route

BP 3.1. Where a person is outside the UK they must apply for and obtain entry clearance on the Bereaved Partner route before they arrive in the UK.

BP 3.2. Where a person is applying for entry clearance on the Bereaved Partner route they must, if Appendix Tuberculosis applies, provide a valid medical certificate confirming that they have undergone screening for active pulmonary tuberculosis and that this tuberculosis is not present in them.

Immigration status requirements for a Bereaved Partner in the UK

  1. BP 4.1. An applicant who is in the UK at the date of application must have, or have last been granted, permission as one of the following:
    1. (a) a partner under Appendix FM (except for permission as a fianc(e) or proposed civil partner) of a person who is a British citizen, settled in the UK or an EEA national in the UK with limited leave to enter or remain granted under paragraph EU3 of Appendix EU on the basis of meeting condition 1 in paragraph EU14 of Appendix EU; or
    2. (b) a partner of a person present and settled in the UK under paragraph 285 or 295E of Part 8 of these rules; or
    3. (c) a Bereaved Partner under Appendix FM; or
    4. (d) a partner under Appendix HM Armed Forces or Part 7 (except for permission as a fianc(e) or proposed civil partner), of any of the below:
      1. (i) a person who is a British citizen; or
      2. (ii) a foreign and commonwealth citizen who was serving member of HM forces; or
      3. (iii) a member of HM Armed forces who has applied for or been granted permission or settlement as a foreign and commonwealth citizen discharged from HM Armed Forces.

Immigration status requirements for a Bereaved Partner overseas

  1. BP 5.1. An applicant who is in overseas on the date of application must have, or have last been granted, permission as:
    1. (a) a partner under Appendix HM Armed Forces or Part 7 (except for permission as a fianc(e) or proposed civil partner), of one of the following:
      1. (i) a person who at the time of their death was a British citizen; or
      2. (ii) a foreign and commonwealth citizen who was at the time of their death a serving member of HM forces; or
      3. (iii) a member of HM Armed forces who at the time of their death had applied for, and would have been granted if they had not died, or had been granted, permission to stay or settlement as a foreign and commonwealth citizen discharged from HM Armed Forces.

Relationship requirement for a Bereaved Partner

BP 6.1. The person who was the applicants partner at the time of the applicants last grant of permission as a partner, must have died.

BP 6.2. The applicant and their partner must have been in a genuine and subsisting relationship immediately before the partners death.

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