
Immigration Rules Appendix English Language

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May 16
07:05 2024

It applies only to applications under Appendix Student, Appendix Skilled Worker, Appendix Representative of an Overseas Business, Appendix T2 Minister of Religion, Appendix International Sportsperson, Appendix UK Ancestry, Appendix Global Talent, Appendix Start-up, Appendix Innovator Founder, Appendix Domestic Worker in a Private Household, Appendix High Potential Individual, Appendix Settlement Family Life, Appendix Private Life, Appendix Scale Up, Appendix Child staying with or joining a Non-Parent Relative (Protection), Appendix Hong Kong British National (Overseas), Appendix Victim of Domestic Abuse, Appendix Temporary Work International Agreement, Appendix HM Armed Forces, Appendix Long Residence and Appendix Bereaved Partner.

The route sets out whether the English language requirement must be met and at what level.


  1. EL 1.1. An applicant for settlement is exempt from the English language requirement if at the date of application any of the following apply:
    1. (a) they are aged 65 or over; or
    2. (b) they are aged under 18; or
    3. (c) they have a disability (physical or mental condition) which prevents them from meeting the requirement; or
    4. (d) they are applying for settlement as a partner, parent or dependent child aged over 18 where they:
      1. (i) have spent a continuous period of 15 years in the UK with permission; and
      2. (ii) can show an English language speaking and listening qualification at A2 CEFR or ESOL entry level 2 or Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework level 3; and
      3. (iii) provide confirmation from a qualified English teacher that the applicant has attended an English language class for at least 75 guided learning hours (not unsupervised study or preparation time) in the 12 months before the date of application and the teachers view is the applicant is unlikely to attain B1 level through further study.
  1. EL1.2. An applicant for entry clearance or permission to stay under Appendix HM Armed Forces is exempt from the English language requirement if at the date of application any of the following apply:
    1. (a) they are aged 65 or over; or
    2. (b) they are aged under 18; or
    3. (c) they have a disability (physical or mental condition) which prevents them from meeting the requirement; or
    4. (d) there are exceptional circumstances which prevent the applicant from meeting the English language requirement.

How the requirement is met

EL 2.1. An applicant will meet the English language requirement if any of the requirements in EL 3.1. to EL 7.2 are met.

EL 2.2. The English language requirement is also met by a person applying for entry clearance or permission to stay as a Student if any of the requirements in EL 7.1. to EL 8.4. are met.

  1. EL 2.3. The English language requirement is also met by a person applying for entry clearance or permission to stay as a Skilled Worker route if:
  2. (a) the requirements in EL 7.1. and EL 7.2. are met: or
  3. (b) the requirement in EL 9.1. is met.
  1. EL 2.4. The English language requirement is also met by a person applying for:
  2. (a) entry clearance or permission to stay on the Start-up route, or
  3. (b) entry clearance or permission to stay on the Innovator Founder route; or
  4. (c) entry clearance, permission to stay or settlement on the Scale-up route, or
  5. (d) entry clearance or permission to stay on the High Potential Individual route, or
  6. (e) settlement under Appendix Settlement Family Life, or
  7. (f) settlement under Appendix Private Life, or
  8. (g) entry clearance, permission to stay or settlement on the International Sportsperson route; or
  9. (h) entry clearance, permission to stay or settlement on the Representative of an Overseas Business route; or
  10. (i) entry clearance or permission to stay on the T2 Minister of Religion route; or
  11. (j) settlement on the UK Ancestry route; or
  12. (k) settlement on the Global Talent route; or
  13. (l) settlement on the Domestic Workers in a Private Household route or
  14. (m) settlement on Hong Kong British National (Overseas) route; or
  15. (n) settlement on the Appendix Child Staying with or joining a Non-Parent Relative (Protection) route; or
  16. (o) settlement on the Appendix Bereaved Partner route; or
  17. (p) entry clearance or settlement under Appendix Victim of Domestic Abuse; or
  18. (q) entry clearance, permission to stay or settlement under Appendix HM Armed Forces; or
  19. (r) settlement under Appendix Long Residence; or
  20. (s) entry clearance under Appendix Temporary Work International Agreement.
  21. if the requirements in EL 7.1 and EL 7.2. are met.


Met in a previous application

EL 3.1. An applicant will meet the English language requirement if they have already shown they met the requirement, at the level required for their current application, in a previous successful application for entry clearance or permission to stay.

Majority English speaking country

EL 4.1. An applicant will meet the English language requirement if they are a national of any of the following majority-English-speaking countries:

Antigua and Barbuda

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