Home Office
Return to Immigration statistics data tables, year ending June 2022.
Asylum applications, decisions and resettlement
Asy_D01: Asylum applications raised, by nationality, age, sex, UASC, applicant type, and location of application
Asy_D02: Outcomes of asylum applications at initial decision, and refugees resettled in the UK, by nationality, age, sex, applicant type, and UASC
Asy_D03: Asylum applications awaiting an initial decision or further review, by nationality and applicant type
Asy_D04: The initial decision and final outcome of all asylum applications raised in a period, by nationality
Age disputes
Asy_D05: Age disputes raised and outcomes of age disputes
Asylum appeals
Asy_D06: Asylum appeals raised at the First-Tier Tribunal, by nationality and sex
Asy_D07: Outcomes of asylum appeals raised at the First-Tier Tribunal, by nationality and sex
Asy_D08: Initial decisions on asylum applications eligible for non-suspensive appeal, by nationality
Asylum support
Asy_D09: Asylum seekers in receipt of support at end of period, by nationality, support type, and UK region
Asy_D10: Applications for section 95 support, by nationality, support type granted, and group type
Dublin regulation
Dub_D01: Transfers and requests for transfer under the Dublin regulation, by EU member state and article
Family reunion
Fam_D01: Family reunion visas granted to family members of refugees, by nationality, sex and age
Local authority data
Res_D01: Refugees resettled by resettlement scheme and local authority
Asy_D11: Asylum seekers in receipt of section 95 and section 4 support by local authority