
Strategic Defence and Security Review Public Engagement

Home Office

August 5
16:00 2015

The strategic defence and security review 2015 is now under way. The Cabinet Office, DFID, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Home Office, MOD as well as other departments are working together on the SDSR.

This review will look at the full range of threats that we face; it will examine the capabilities we need to handle them; and help us judge how to resource those capabilities. The range of threats to national security and international stability mean we will be undertaking a full SDSR. In doing so we are engaging with experts within government, across the UK and internationally as well as the UK public. This is why we have released a SDSR engagement poll. This is an opportunity for members of the public to provide ideas and suggestions on defence and security matters in order to help the development of the SDSR. The SDSR 2015 engagement poll is available

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