
Form: Record/cancel a change of ownership, licence or security

Intellectual Property Office

September 3
13:52 2024

Use this form to ask us to record changes in the ownership of designs, including company mergers, or to record or cancel a licence or security interest against a design. It is not a substitute for the assignment document or other proof of the transaction. We may ask you to provide written proof of the transaction.

If the applicant or proprietor has merely changed their name, use Form DF16A, not this one.

We suggest you check the proprietors name and the designs they own by doing a proprietor search on our website before you fill in the form.


No fee

Updates to this page

Published 17 April 2014
Last updated 3 September 2024 +show all updates
  1. Guidance for completing DF12A updated.

  2. A new end page has been added. This contains a checklist and sending instructions. Supporting text added to questions that required further clarification.

  3. Form DF12A: Stamp duty declaration added and contact details requirements and fee sheet updated.

  4. Form DF12A: data privacy added.

  5. First published.

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