Intellectual Property Office
class="gem-c-govspeak govuk-govspeak gem-c-govspeak--direction-ltr govuk-!-margin-bottom-0">
The information is based on payment date and published in monthly comma delimited files. Each record is made up of standard fields which are used across all departments.
These are:
- department family - The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
- entity - The Intellectual Property Office
- date - payment date
- expense type - type of expenditure from our the accounting system
- expense area - the area of the Office paying for the expense
- supplier - the supplier of the goods or services
- transaction number - a reference to identify the transaction
- amount - the amount in pounds
- VAT registration number - supplier number not published
2014 payment details
2015 payment details
2016 payment details
2017 payment details
2018 payment details
Pre-2014 payment datasets are available from The National Archives.