Legal Aid Agency
Software vendors, and providers and chambers with their own case management systems, are now able to use a test site to try out software for uploading multiple claims onto the Client and Cost Management System (CCMS).
The test site will be available for at least 10 weeks and was launched on 3 November 2015. It has been created at the request of software vendors developing or planning to develop software systems compatible with CCMS. It allows users to:
- upload as many test claims as they want across a range of cases and offices
- retrieve their own test results
Those involved in piloting multiple claim upload systems, such as Donnelly McArdle Adamson, have told us that:
Its easy to use. Its a much faster turn-around and saves a lot of time. Payments are quicker which is always good for cash-flow.
Uploading multiple claims simply avoids the need to enter duplicate information into CCMS. We have published guidance on the CCMS website link below so that you can avoid common mistakes when you start uploading claims in this way.
Talk to your software vendor
Some vendors already offers this software. They are listed on the CCMS website link below. Around 180 provider offices and 300 advocates have used multiple claim software, submitting approximately 4,000 claims successfully.
Contact your software vendor for a progress update. To get access to the test site, they simply need to complete our survey - link below.
Further information
Information and guidance on uploading claims and software vendors:
Email your questions:
Get access to the test site: