Legal Aid Agency

Mediation extension offer
All providers holding a Family Mediation Contract have until 4 August 2016 to accept our offer to extend their contract through to 31 March 2018.
The Family Mediation Contract is due to expire on 31 October 2016.
Extension offer letters were sent to all Family Mediation providers on 14 July 2016. Providers have until 23.59 on 4 August to accept the contract extension by completing and returning their offer acceptance form.
If a provider does not accept the extension offer in time their contract will expire on 31 October 2016. This would take away their entitlement to undertake or be paid for contract work from 1 November 2016 onwards.
Welfare Benefits 2013 extension
Notice has been given to the providers of the 2013 Standard Civil Contract (Welfare Benefits) that the contract will be extended to 31 March 2018.
This is in order to align welfare benefits with the other civil categories as set out in the LAAs Headline Intentions for alignment of face to face contracts. This was published on 5 November 2015.
The 2013 Standard Civil Contract (Welfare Benefits) governs the provision of Welfare Benefits advice across the London & the South East and Midlands & the East procurement areas. This is currently due to end on 31 October 2016.
Further information
Civil tenders download Headline intentions for alignment of civil face to face contracts
Standard Civil Contract 2010 download Family Mediation template offer letter
Standard Civil Contract (Welfare Benefits) 2013 download a copy of the Welfare Benefits 2013 letter