Legal Aid Agency

April rotas
You can now go online to view the latest duty solicitor rotas see link below.
Revised members lists on which the rotas are based have also been published.
If you have any feedback about these rotas or members lists you should use the contact details below.
July rotas
An amendment notice is also available on the crime tender page about the second rota period, which will begin on 1 July and run until 31 December 2017.
Guidance has also been published on when you will be invited to submit a CRM12 for this rota, should you wish to make changes to your duty solicitors details for the July rota.
2017 standard crime contracts
A copy of the 2017 standard crime contract is available on see link below.
Further information
Duty solicitors: rotas, information and guidance duty solicitor rotas covering 1 April to 30 June 2017 and revised members lists
Legal aid crime tender 2017 process for amendments to the July rota process
Standard Crime Contract 2017 final version of 2017 standard crime contract for feedback or enquiries about rotas or members lists