Legal Aid Agency
We would like to remind you of the benefits of a pilot allowing providers to receive copies of representation orders by email.
The pilot started on 20 July 2015 and is being run by the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) in the following areas:
- Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Rutland
North West:
- Lancashire, Cumbria
North East:
- Humberside, South Yorkshire
- City of Westminster (all applications from 28 September 2015)
Immediate benefits
As well as copies of representation orders, the pilot allows providers to receive associated correspondence by email. Immediate benefits include:
- quicker confirmation of which offences are covered under a representation order
- more efficient, eg digital copy can be added to your digital file without the need to scan
- less paper
How can you take part?
To submit an application in our pilot areas, the only change you need to make is to ensure that you enter a valid CJSM address on the CRM14 eForm. This is entered in the firm administrators email address field.
On the legal representation page of the eForm, there are fields for 2 email addresses. You need to type the CJSM address in the second box titled firm administrators email address.
You should retain your usual default email in other areas of the form. Otherwise, your application may not be recognised by LAA systems and you could miss out on important emails containing documents and notifications about your application.
When your application is processed your firms copy of the representation order will be sent to the CJSM email account. A copy will be sent direct to the defendant by post.
Further information
Secure email how to obtain a CJSM account to send feedback about the pilot