
MAIB's new data portal goes live

Marine Accident Investigation Branch

September 19
09:12 2024

In development since August 2022, the data portal gives the public and industry open access to download and analyse MAIBs data.

The portal features a Power BI report dashboard, enabling users to filter data and capture results via screenshots. Additionally, MAIB has integrated the option to download a prepopulated Power BI PBIX file, allowing users to not only filter data but also export it into table format for further analysis.

Where in the past users were required to submit Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. This service has simplified the process by allowing direct and immediate access, to a subset of the data most requested. The data is then presented on a user-friendly dashboard, as well as overlayed on a map.

Alongside the interactive reports, raw data in CSV format is also available for the criteria: occurrences, vessels, affected persons. These tables are linked via unique keys and can be used with open-source analysis tools.

Throughout the portals development, MAIB has collaborated closely with users and stakeholders from across the maritime industry to ensure the service meets their needs. As part of the project, MAIB has also enhanced its internal data quality tools, giving confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the data available via the portal.

So far data from January 2023 onwards is available via the portal however the dataset will gradually be expanded to offer a comprehensive resource through the dashboard.

To access the service visit:

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