
Guidance: I-VMS - Frequently asked questions

Marine Management Organisation

May 29
14:24 2024

1. About I-VMS

1.1 Why is I-VMS being introduced?

  • Vessel monitoring is a tool that will enable a better understanding of scale, location, and seasonality of fishing activity. This additional information combined with other fisheries data will grow our understanding of fishing and will assist in quota negotiations and marine spatial planning as well as allowing us to identify and respond more swiftly to new issues.
  • Data about the location, scale, and seasonality of fishing effort from the majority of English fishers will also provide industry and regulators with more powerful information they can use when presenting their case for example in planning consents for marine development, fisheries management, or resolution of gear conflict issues with other marine users.
  • Coupled with the outputs from our fisheries assurance service MMO will also be able to better target our risk-based, intelligence-led assurance and inspections activities. In time, it may enable steps towards a lighter touch for fishers who demonstrate a consistently high level of compliance.
  • It will enable more precise delineation between fishing grounds and protected areas meaning a better balance between keeping fishing grounds open and protecting sensitive marine habitats and species can be established.
  • It will enable improved control of non-English vessels in English waters as the current requirement is for all under-12m vessels to carry a vessel monitoring device.
  • Vessel monitoring could increase safety for smaller vessel operators as it could provide timely and accurate detail to inform search and rescue efforts if necessary.

1.2 Which vessels does I-VMS apply to?

All UK and non-UK under 12m vessels will be required to transmit I-VMS data when operating in English waters. By English waters this means the English section of the UK EEZ. The legal requirement will be introduced by a statutory instrument, due in 2024.

1.3How will I-VMS data benefit fishing activities for the under six metre fleet?

I-VMS data will deliver many benefits to help fisheries management for the under-12 metre fleet. With the under-6 metre fleet in mind, these could include:

  • Enable effective management information for smaller fisheries with a high concentration of under six metre vessels to allow for fairer fishing opportunities and protection of those fisheries.
  • Support management measures, including those around monitoring and resolving conflict.
  • Provide consumer confidence by supporting sea to plate traceability.
  • Protect activity in restricted fishing grounds, such as marine protected areas (MPAs), making it fairer for vessels with access to those area who are compliant with restrictions by providing evidence for those that are non-compliant.
  • Data can also be used to support scientific evidence when considering environmental incidents, such as pollution and impact on the fleet.
  • I-VMS data can be used to evidence displacement of usual fishing activity as a result of marine developments e.g. ports and harbours, dredging, wind farms, subsea cables.
  • In an emergency, I-VMS data could help timely search and rescue efforts.

2. Type approved devices, suppliers and installation

2.1 Which I-VMS devices are approved?

MMO commissioned independent tests in 2022 in response to concerns that type approved devices did not meet the agreed specifications. On conclusion of those tests, two devices remain type approved:

  • Fulcrum NEMO
  • Succorfish SC2.

No other vessel monitoring device should be purchased or installed, and no other vessel monitoring devices will comply with the requirements of the statutory instrument (due in 2024) applying to English waters.

2.2 I have not yet purchased a device, what should I do?

If you are yet to purchase a device, research the type approved devices to consider which will best suit your vessel and needs, and place your order as soon as possible.Suppliers can advise you on the options for your vessel type.

Supplier and device details are available on our list of type approved devices guidance page.

Vessels fishing in English waters will require an operational type approved I-VMS device once the new legislation comes into effect, expected to happen in 2024.

2.3 I have not yet had a device installed, what should I do?

Devices should only be installed by suppliers and/or their approved engineers. As there is only a short window of time between now and when we expect the new legislation to come into effect, please arrange installation of your device with your supplier and/or their engineers now.

If you delay the installation of your device any longer, suppliers may not be able to meet your request, meaning you risk being unable to fish lawfully by not having a device installed when the legislation comes into force.

You should not attempt to install your device yourself and any damage or manual interference could void your device warranty and the terms and conditions of any EMFF funding awarded, which may generate further investigatory action.

Supplier details are in section 5 of these FAQs or visit our list of type approved devices guidance page:

Vessels fishing in English waters will require an operational type approved I-VMS device once the new legislation comes into effect, expected to happen in 2024.

2.4 What should I do if I already have a device fitted to my vessel but that device is no longer type approved?

You should not attempt to uninstall the device yourself the engineer who installs your replacement device will uninstall and safely dispose of your old device.

Research the type approved devices to consider which will best suit your vessel and needs, placing an order as soon as possible.

Suppliers can advise you on the options for your vessel type.

List of type approved devices:

2.5 I have already installed a device with type approval, what should I do?

If you already have a Fulcrum NEMO or Succorfish SC2 device installed on your vessel, you do not need to do anything at this stage. You will need to make sure your device is active before the statutory instrument comes into effect in 2024, and we will write to all fishers in advance of that happening.

2.6 Can I use another tracking device instead of an MMO approved I-VMS device?

No. All under 12m English vessels must operate with an MMO typeapproved I-VMS device, once the legislation comes into force.

Vessels from other nationalities are not bound to this requirement, providing their device has been endorsed and recognised by their fisheries authority, and the device must provide the same level of data, accuracy and performance to the UK VMS Hub when operating in English waters. AIS will not be accepted.

2.7 Are the type approved devices safe?

The type approved I-VMS electronic devices are passive receiving systems, measuring relative delays from extremely low power signals from the satellites, comparable to a mobile phone. They are IP67 certified, have to comply with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards and are UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA)/CE marked.

2.8 My vessel is not as secure as larger vessels Im worried about theft or vandalism of my I-VMS device and not being able to fish.

To date, over 200 devices have been installed on under six metre vessels and MMO has received no reports of theft or vandalism.

Suppliers and engineers will consider suitable installation locations that should reduce vandalism concerns whilst also ensuring the devices ability to operate at its optimum level.

If theft or vandalism does occur, fishers should notify MMO of the incident with a Police crime number, where we will then advise on whether you can continue to fish. It is the fishers responsibility to replace the device e.g. through an insurance claim. call 01900 508618 to report the theft or vandalism of an I-VMS device.

2.9 I have a small open boat; how do I keep my I-VMS device powered?

Suppliers of both type approved devices h

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