Maritime Coastguard Agency
This database will be withdrawn on
1 September 2022
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency intends to trial the removal of this information from GOV.UK on 1 September 2022.
Queries related to the list of contact details for MCA approved service stations should be emailed to from 1 September 2022.
Share your feedback
If you are a regular user of this information, and have concerns about its removal, please email indicating who you are, and how you use the information.
This list of contact details for Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) approved service stations is updated regularly.
This database lists MCA accepted (UK approved) service stations of SOLAS Standard Inflatable LSA. The list of products for which the station is authorised to service is only indicative and may change between annual MCA inspections. Its the responsibility of the vessel owner / operator to ensure that SOLAS Inflatable LSA is serviced at a competent, approved servicing station which:-
- is authorised to service the particular product make/type,
- is accepted by the MCA which demonstrates compliance with IMO Res. A.761(18) to maintain proper servicing facilities,
- uses only properly trained personnel (evidence of personnel authorisation certification by the original Equipment Manufacturer).
The operation and maintenance manual will also include a list of authorised service station where the ship operator can request relevant services.
Further details are contained in MGN 548 (M+F) Inflatable SOLAS certificated liferafts, lifejackets, marine evacuation systems and repair of inflated rescue boats.