
Guidance: Leek and Upper Hulme firing times

Ministry Of Defence

October 29
15:44 2024

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Do not enter the danger areas when ranges are in use, this is a danger to life. Learn more about accessing MOD training areas safely.

Leek closed impact area

Within the training area known as Leek Upper Hulme, there is an area designated as the closed impact area.

The area is bounded to the west by the A53 Leek to Buxton main road to the east by Dry Stones and Morridge. To the south by South Swainsmoor and north by North Swainsmoor.

The area is fully enclosed with fencing and is fully signed stating there is no entry because of possible unexploded ordnance.

Your safety

There has been a rise in unacceptable behaviour on the moor. An incident involving an off-road vehicle has caused damage to the moor, and the Mermaid Pool area has been used as a dumping ground for unwanted objects. The Mermaid pool area is out of bound for any activities.

If you witness similar behaviour, please report it to the Police immediately.


No entry is allowed at any time and all queries should be addressed to the following contact numbers:

Training Safety Officer: 01785 763134
Operations Room: 01874 635599 (24 hours)
Helpdesk: 0800 0223334 (24 hours)
Fire Stoppers: 0800 169 5558

Accessing MOD training areas safely
UK military firing times for all ranges
Public access to military areas

Updates to this page

Published 11 October 2019
Last updated 29 October 2024 +show all updates
  1. 'Leek and Upper Hulme firing times November 2024' added.

  2. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times September 2024.

  3. Updated: Leek and Upper Hulme firing times July 2024. Added: Leek and Upper Hulme firing times August 2024.

  4. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times June 2024.

  5. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times May 2024.

  6. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times April 2024.

  7. Added: Leek and Upper Hulme firing times March 2024. Updated information under Details: 'Your safety'.

  8. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times February 2024.

  9. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times January 2024.

  10. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times December 2023.

  11. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times November 2023.

  12. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times October 2023.

  13. Added: Leek and Upper Hulme firing times September 2023.

  14. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times August 2023.

  15. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times June 2023.

  16. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times April 2023.

  17. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times March 2023.

  18. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times February 2023.

  19. 'Leek and Upper Hulme firing times January 2023' added.

  20. Added Leek and Upper Hulme firing times December 2022.

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