Ministry Of Defence
Defence Science and Technology (DST) and the Defence Science Technology Laboratory (Dstl) lead UKs involvement in all NATO science and technology activity, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and UK Government.
Sponsorship for UK participation in NATO science and technology
UK academia and industry, including small and medium-sized enterprises, are very welcome to engage in the many science and technology activities taking place in NATO, but their involvement must be coordinated through Dstl. Dstl chairs and runs various activities on behalf of NATO and need to act as sponsors for any UK entity that wishes to engage in NATO science and technology.
Contact Dstl at
NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) technical panels
The NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) aims to meet the collective needs of NATO, NATO nations and partner nations in the fields of science and technology.
The 7 STO technical panels manage collaboration across a wide range of scientific research activities:
- Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT)
- Human Factors and Medicine (HFM)
- Information Systems Technology (IST)
- System Analysis and Studies (SAS)
- Systems Concepts and Integration (SCI)
- Sensors and Electronic Technology (SET)
- Modelling and Simulation Group (MSG)
These panels comprise national representatives as well as world-class scientists, engineers and information specialists. In addition to providing critical technical oversight, they also provide a communication link to military users and other NATO bodies.
In any given year, more than 3,500 scientists and engineers from NATO and its partners are working on approximately 140 research activities being conducted by these technical teams. These activities all result in the publication of highly valued scientific literature published by the STO.