
Second World War soldiers laid to rest before Arnhem 80th anniversary

Ministry Of Defence

September 18
11:28 2024

Private Henry Moon and Lieutenant Dermod Green Anderson were killed during the Battle of Arnhem 80 years ago.

The were honoured with a military funeral in the Netherlands held by soldiers and officers of The Royal Yorkshire Regiment and the Army Air Corps.

Minister for Veterans and People Al Carns said:

The burial of two Second World War soldiers in Arnhem this week reminds us of the price paid to restore peace to western Europe.

Im grateful that members of todays Armed Forces were present at the ceremony as they continue the traditions of service and sacrifice.

Efforts to remember all those who served and died during the Second World War must never stop.

Members of The Royal Yorkshire Regiment fired a rifle salute in remembrance of the two fallen soldiers.

The MODs Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre has worked with the Dutch Recovery and Identification Unit to identify the two soldiers and invite their descendants to the burial services in Arnhem.

The two soldiers have been laid to rest in the Commonwealth War Graves Commissions Oosterbeek War Cemetery, which is the final resting place of more than 1,700 Second World War service personnel.

Modern-day British Army personnel carried the two coffins to their resting place and fired a military rifle salute.

A member of the British Army rifle saluting party lowers his head in remembrance.

A series of commemorative events will take place this week to mark 80 years since the Battle of Arnhem.

Members of the UK Armed Forces will be at the heart of the commemorations, to thank surviving veterans and remember those w

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