Natural England
Before you complete this form, read the guidance on Changing uncultivated, semi-natural and rural land: when you need permission.
You must get a screening decision if youre planning a project that will physically restructure rural land by:
- changing field boundaries that cover a total length of 4km or more outside a sensitive area or 2km or more in a sensitive area
- adding, removing or redistributing earth or other material if it affects a volume of 10,000m or more or it affects an area of 100ha or moreoutside a sensitive area
- adding, removing or redistributing earth or other material if it affects a volume of 5,000m or more or it affects an area of 50ha or more in a sensitive area
Youll need to provide:
- a complete EIA1a form
- a map of the project area
- copies of consultation responses use the appropriate consultation response template
- an EIA agent authorisation form if you want to authorise an agent to act on your behalf
If you do not provide enough information about the project, Natural England may:
- request more information from you
- request that you undertake a consultation
- be unable to make a screening decision
After youve submitted your application, Natural England will assess it and decide whether:?
- the work can go ahead?
- you need apply for a consent decision before the project can begin?
If youre planning a project that will increase the productivity of uncultivated land or semi-natural areas, use form EIA1 instead. ???
Submit this form??
?Submit your form by email: ??
You can also send your form by post:
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (Agriculture) Unit
Natural England
Horizon House
Deanery Road
BS1 5AH???
If you need help with this form, email call 0800 028 2140?(freephone).