
Form: Natural England’s nutrient mitigation scheme for developers

Natural England

September 19
15:40 2024

There are no application rounds open at the moment.

The next open application rounds are for:

  • the Tees catchment area (round 7) opening on 9 October 2024 and closing on 5 November 2024
  • the Poole Harbour catchment area (round 2) opening on 8 January 2025 and closing on 4 February 2025

This guidance is for all housing developers in the Tees or Poole Harbour catchment areas who want to:

  • offset nutrient pollution that their development may create by buying credits under Natural Englands nutrient mitigation scheme
  • build new permanent residential housing

The guidance will be updated as more catchment areas or application rounds are added to the scheme.

Updates to this page

Published 31 March 2023
Last updated 19 September 2024 +show all updates
  1. Updated the cost of credits in round 7 of the Tees catchment area scheme.

  2. The dates have been updated because the Tees catchment area application round has now closed. The next dates for application rounds have been added.

  3. Removed information about application opening and closing times for the Poole Harbour catchment area as the round of applications has now closed.

  4. How to apply information updated to make the application form more visible and the instructions on how to send the application clearer.

  5. Added information about opening and closing times for the current round of applications for the Tees catchment area. Updated the text about opening and closing times for the Poole Harbour catchment area to reflect that applications are open.

  6. Dates and cost of credits added for the next round of applications in the Tees catchment area.

  7. Application form has been updated so it can be used for any open nutrient credit round.

  8. Updated information on how to apply for nutrient mitigation credits from Natural England for Tees catchment area. Added new information for Poole Harbour catchment area.

  9. Updated with the new application form, dates for the next application window and updates to the application process.

  10. Updated the guidance to indicate that the next round of applications opens in June 2024 for the Tees catchment area.

  11. Updated the when to apply section as the scheme is currently closed for applications. Removed the application form to avoid confusion.

  12. Updated the attachment 'How to apply for nutrient mitigation credits from Natural England' with links to the latest calculator for Teesmouth SPA, Ramsar, and to the new guidance to read with it.

  13. Added a new form and updated the guidance with the dates for a new round of applications.

  14. Updated the when to apply section as the scheme is now closed for applications. The next round opens in February 2024 and a new application form will be published for it.

  15. Updated details as the next round of applications opened at 10am on 2 October 2023.

  16. Updated the guidance with the next application round opening on 2 October, and added information about how credits are allocated. Also made some small updates to the application form.

  17. Updated the 'When to apply' section following the end of the current application round. Also updated the wording of 'Step 6: Send your certificate to your LPA' in order to clarify the process. Application form also removed from page whilst scheme is closed for applications. Email addresses updated to

  18. Cover page and guidance updated as the second application round is now open. This round will close at 11:55pm on 28 July.

  19. New application form uploaded and updates made to the guidance sections on when to apply and step 2.

  20. Updated the when to apply section

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