
Form: Water voles: apply for a mitigation licence (A11)

Natural England

December 21
10:56 2022

Reasoned Statement to support A11 water vole licence applications for the purpose of reasons of Overriding Public Interest (OPI)

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Water vole displacement monitoring form

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Actions taken under A11 licence report

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You need a mitigation licence if your work will affect water voles. This includes if you may need to:

  • disturb them while they are in a place they use for shelter or protection

  • damage or destroy places they use for shelter or protection
  • stop water voles accessing places they use for shelter or protection
  • kill or injure them
  • take, move, possess or control them

You can only apply for this licence if you need to carry out these actions for a specific purpose. You must choose the purpose that is most appropriate to your work. Your work must either:

  • be for reasons of overriding public interest, including development
  • preserve public health or safety
  • prevent serious damage to livestock, animal feed, crops, growing timber, fisheries or any other property
  • prevent the spread of disease

To study and conserve water vole, you will need a different licence. Use the

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