
Guidance: Western Channel and Celtic Sea marine area site packages

Natural England

May 9
15:00 2023

Marine conservation advice: package status interactive map


Use the interactive map attached to this page to find out the status of each marine advice package.

Packages marked not yet available on the map have not been updated on the Designated Sites System but advice may still exist. These sites are not listed on this page.

You can search for all sites on the Designated Sites View site search. This will include links to any existing advice.

Advice packages are listed alphabetically.

Advice packages in the Western Channel and Celtic Sea

Bideford to Foreland Point Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0029) Formal

Camel Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0056) Formal

Cape Bank Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0076) Draft

Dart Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0057) Formal

Devon Avon Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0058) Formal

Erme Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0059) Draft

Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation (UK0013112) Formal

Falmouth Bay to St Austell Bay Special Protection Area(UK9020323) Formal

Hartland Point to Tintagel Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0034) Formal

Helford Estuary Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0062) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Bishop to Crim Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-01) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Bristows to the Stones Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-02) Formal

Isles of Scilly Complex Special Area of Conservation(UK0013694) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Gilstone to Gorregan Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-03) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Hanjague to Deep Ledge Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-04) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Higher Town Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-05) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Lower Ridge to Innisvouls Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-06) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Men a Vaur to White Island Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-07) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Peninnis to Dry Ledge Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-08) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Plympton to Spanish Ledge Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-09) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Smith Sound Tide Swept Channel Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-10) Formal

Isles of Scilly Special Protection Area (UK9020288) Formal

Isles of Scilly: Tean Marine Conservation Zone (UKMCZ0008-11) Formal

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