Natural England
How much will be paid
Up to 100% of actual costs.
Where to use this item
If you have written permission from Natural England, it is available as a stand-alone agreement to aid a Higher Tier application.
If you have written permission from Catchment Sensitive Farming, it is available to aid a Mid Tier application when applying for SW15 Flood mitigation on arable reversion to grassland and SW16 Flood mitigation on permanent grassland only.
How this item will benefit the environment
If successful this item will help plan how to protect or manage habitats, features and species.
It can be used to create or extend agreements on common land and can include peatland restoration plans across multiple holdings (including common land).
Agreement holders are likely to need to:
- produce and agree with Natural England a detailed specification for the feasibility study
- provide at least 3 written quotations for preparing the study, identifying associated costs - agree the selected quotation with Natural England
- commission the feasibility study from the selected provider and make sure that it is completed in line with the specification by an agreed date
- submit a copy of the completed feasibility study for approval by Natural England with the claim
Keeping records
Agreement holders will need to keep the following records and supply them on request:
- any consents or permissions connected with the work
Please see the record keeping and inspection requirements as set out in the relevant Mid Tier and Higher Tier guidance for more detail. You can find the latest guidance at Countryside Stewardship: get funding to protect and improve the land you manage.
Agreement holders will need to keep the following records and supply them with the claim:
- receipted invoices, or bank statements where a receipted invoice is not available
- a copy of the feasibility study
The detailed requirements for this item will be tailored to the site. Higher Tier applicants should discuss and agree these requirements with their adviser.
Mid Tier applicants will need to discuss and agree the requirements with Catchment Sensitive Farming.
Applicants will have to send the following with their application:
- the 3 quotes for completion of the work
Advice and suggestions for how to carry out this item
The following section gives advice on carrying out this item successfully but does not form part of the requirements for this item.
Feasibility study format
Follow Natural Englands set format for the feasibility study. The format will depend on the option or items that the study covers.