
Decision: GDA Step 1 of the Holtec SMR: statement of findings

Natural Resources Wales

August 1
09:33 2024

The Environment Agency, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and Natural Resources Wales (the regulators) have an assessment process which enables them to scrutinise new nuclear power station designs before they are built in the UK. This process is called Generic Design Assessment (GDA).

Step 1 of theHoltec International GDAformally began on 18 October 2023.

The regulators have now completed Step 1 of theGDAand the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales have issued a joint Step 1 statement of findings on the Holtec International SMRdesign. This statement is published here, along with a report of the findings and a public summary of the report. A version of the report in Welsh is published on the Natural Resources Wales website. ONRs reports are published on thejointGDAwebpages.

Any nuclear power station design company going throughGDAis required to set up a public comments process. Make a comment on theHoltec GDA website.

TheGDAprocess is described in theGDAguidance for Requesting Parties.

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Published 1 August 2024

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