Nhs England
This information explains diabetic eye screening and why it is offered.
People with diabetes should be directed to this information when they are invited to screening.
Free printed copies of this leaflet are provided for local screening services to send to people with their first ever screening invitations.
For more information, see the order printed leaflets section of our guidance on how to access and order leaflets.
This information is also available above in A4 PDF format (in English) to print out and provide for people who cannot access digital information when receiving their routine screening invitations.
Resources are also available for people with learning disabilities and people who struggle with written English, including:
- an easy guide to diabetic eye screening
- a simple animation showing screening tests offered to men and women throughout their lives, including DES:
This information is available in 11 other languages:
To request another format, you can phone0300 311 22 33or emailengland.contactus@nhs.net.