
Guidance: Magnox socio-economic scheme funding guidance 2022

Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

September 5
15:52 2022

Magnox socio-economic funding guidance 2022

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Magnox manages a funding portfolio of just over 1million each financial year across 12 Magnox sites on behalf of the NDA. Funding is available on a rolling programme to support our aims on three levels:

  1. Over 10,000 to support large projects that make a significant contribution towards delivering socio-economic objectives nearest to Magnox sites
  2. Up to 10,000 capital expenditure towards a sustainable project
  3. Up to 2,000 for small projects neighbouring Magnox sites

Socio-economic funding will be distributed fairly and prioritised according to the socio-economic needs of individual Magnox communities. Funding to support activities of up to 2,000 is very competitive and limited to 6,000 per year for each Magnox site.

Published 5 September 2022

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