
Office For National Statistics

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Transparency data: Office for National Statistics workforce management information: 2024

Data showing the number of staff employed at different grades in the Office for National Statistics and paybill information.

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Official Statistics: Annual Business Survey exporters and importers: 2022 results

Exporters and importers of goods and services in Great Britain by employment size and turnover size.

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Accredited official statistics: Consumer trends, UK: January to March 2024

Household final consumption expenditure (HHFCE) for the UK, as a measure of growth. Includes all spending on goods and services by members of UK households.

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Accredited official statistics: UK Economic Accounts: January to March 2024

Provides detailed estimates of national product income and expenditure, UK sector accounts and UK balance of payments.

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Official Statistics: Economic statistics sector classification classification update and forward work plan: June 2024

Classification of units, transactions and assets for the purposes of economic statistics.

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Accredited official statistics: Business investment in the UK: January to March 2024 revised results

Estimates of short-term indicators of investment in non-financial assets; business investment and asset and sector breakdowns of total gross fixed capital formation.

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Official Statistics: Quarterly economic commentary: January to March 2024

Economic commentary for the latest national accounts, prices and labour market indicators.

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Accredited official statistics: Balance of payments, UK: January to March 2024 time series

Quarterly summary of balance of payments accounts including the current account, capital transfers, transactions and levels of UK external assets and liabilities.

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Accredited official statistics: GDP quarterly national accounts, UK: January to March 2024 time series

Time series data as part of the quarterly GDP publication.

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Accredited official statistics: UK Quarterly Sector Accounts: January to March 2024

A detailed breakdown of the components of sector accounts aggregates.

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Accredited official statistics: GDP quarterly national accounts, UK: January to March 2024

Revised quarterly estimate of gross domestic product (GDP) for the UK. Uses additional data to provide a more precise indication of economic growth than the first estimate.

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Accredited official statistics: Balance of payments, UK: January to March 2024

A measure of cross-border transactions between the UK and rest of the world. Includes trade, income, capital transfers and foreign assets and liabilities.

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Official Statistics: Economic activity and social change in the UK, real time indicators : 27 July 2023

Early experimental data and analysis on economic activity and social change in the UK. These real-time indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and experimental methods.

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Official Statistics: Economic activity and social change in the UK, real time indicators: 27 June 2024

Early data on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and innovative methods. These are official statistics in development.

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Accredited official statistics: Environmental Protection Expenditure Survey, UK: 2022

Estimates of environmental protection expenditure by UK industries, based on the Environmental Protection Expenditure Survey.

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Accredited official statistics: Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 14 June 2024

Provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the latest weeks.

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Official Statistics: UK trade and greenhouse gas emissions

Looking at the pattern of UK trade in goods and services, and the greenhouse gas emissions ‘embedded’ within UK imports and exports. As well as examining how structural shifts in the UK economy from manufacturing to services been a likely contributor to the fall in key measures of UK greenhouse gas emissions.

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Official Statistics: UK trade and greenhouse gas emissions

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Looking at the pattern of UK trade in goods and services, and the greenhouse gas emissions ‘embedded’ within UK imports and exports. As well as examining how structural shifts in the UK economy from manufacturing to services been a likely contributor to the fall in key measures of UK greenhouse gas emissions.

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Accredited official statistics: Population estimates for the UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid 2023

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National and subnational mid-year population estimates for the UK and its constituent countries by administrative area, age and sex.

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Official Statistics: Exploring the feasibility of a survey measuring child abuse

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Initial findings on the second phase of research to understand whether a new survey to measure the current extent and nature of child abuse in the UK is viable.

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Official Statistics: UK public funded gross regional capital and non capital expenditure on research and development: financial year ending 2022

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Experimental UK public-funded gross capital and non-capital expenditure on research and development (R&D) by International Territorial Level 1 (ITL1) geographies during the financial year ending 2022.

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Official Statistics: Labour Demand Volumes by Standard Occupation Classification (SOC 2020), UK

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Textkernal Job Advert data by Occupation and Geography.

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Accredited official statistics: Non financial business economy, regional (Annual Business Survey): 2022

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Size and growth within regional non-financial sectors as measured by the Annual Business Survey.

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Accredited official statistics: Public sector finances, UK: May 2024 time series

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The time series datasets consistent with the Public sector finances, UK: May 2024 bulletin

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Accredited official statistics: Retail Sales; Great Britain: May 2024

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A first estimate of retail sales in volume and value terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.

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Accredited official statistics: Public Sector Finances: May 2024

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A presentational framework for the headline measures of Public Sector Finance Statistics (net borrowing net cash requirement and net debt).

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Accredited official statistics: Retail Sales, Great Britain: May 2024 time series

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A first estimate of retail sales in volume and value terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.

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Official Statistics: Business insights and impact on the UK economy: 20 June 2024

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The impact of challenges facing the economy and other events on UK businesses. Based on responses from the voluntary fortnightly business survey (BICS) to deliver real-time information to help assess issues affecting UK businesses and economy, including financial performance, workforce, trade, and business resilience.

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Accredited official statistics: Marriages in England and Wales: 2021 and 2022

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Number of marriages that took place in England and Wales analysed by age, sex, previous partnership status and civil or religious ceremony.

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Official Statistics: Contributions to the 12 month rate of CPI(H) by import intensity: May 2024

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A longer time series of contributions to the Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH) and Consumer Prices Index (CPI), UK, monthly.

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Official Statistics: Private Rent and House Prices, UK: June 2024

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The Price Index of Private Rents (PIPR) produces rent price and inflation statistics for the UK, tracking prices paid for new and existing tenancies in the private rental sector. Includes headline UK House Price Index statistics.

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Official Statistics: Private Rent and House Prices, UK: June 2024

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The Price Index of Private Rents (PIPR) produces rent price and inflation statistics for the UK, tracking prices paid for new and existing tenancies in the private rental sector. Includes headline UK House Price Index statistics.

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Accredited official statistics: Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional

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Provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the latest weeks.

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Official Statistics: Index of Private Housing Rental Prices UK May 2024

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The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices (IPHRP) is a monthly experimental price index. It tracks the prices paid for renting property from private landlords in the UK.

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Accredited official statistics: UK House Price Index April 2024

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Monthly house price inflation calculated using data from HM Land Registry Registers of Scotland and Land and Property Services Northern Ireland.

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Official Statistics: Improving our travel and tourism statistics: changes from July 2024

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An article to inform the user of the changes to out Travel and Tourism statistics from July 2024 in line with the Travel and Tourism Reform Project work.

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Accredited official statistics: Deaths registered monthly in England and Wales: May 2024

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Number of deaths registered each month by area of usual residence for England and Wales, by region, county, health authorities, local and unitary authority, and London borough.

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Accredited official statistics: UK armed forces veterans, Great Britain: Census 2021 and Census 2022

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UK armed forces veterans by age and sex in Great Britain using England and Wales Census 2021 and Scotland’s Census 2022.

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Official Statistics: The national balance sheet and capital stocks, preliminary estimates, UK: 2024

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Preliminary annual estimates of the nation’s net worth, by type of financial and non-financial asset for the UK. Includes estimates of produced assets used in the production process and their loss of value over time.

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Official Statistics: Economic activity and social change in the UK

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Early data on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and innovative methods.

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Guidance: Data Science Accelerator Programme

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Programme introduction, dates, eligibility, how to apply and how to become a programme mentor.

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Accredited official statistics: Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 31 May 2024

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Provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the latest weeks.

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Accredited official statistics: Construction output in Great Britain: April 2024

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Short-term measures of output by construction industry in April 2024.

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Official Statistics: UK Trade: April 2024 time series

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Total value of UK exports and imports of goods and services by current price, chained volume measures and implied deflators.

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Accredited official statistics: GDP monthly estimate, UK: April 2024 time series

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GDP monthly estimate, UK: April 2024 time series

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