Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner

Mr Hossein Gharaie, 67, formerly a solicitor at Jones Gray Solicitors, 402 Edgware Road, London, pleaded guilty at Westminster Magistrates Court on 31 July 2015, to 5 charges of providing unregulated immigration advice and services.
On 17 August 2015 he was sentenced to a 12 months community order and 250 hours unpaid work, concurrent for each offence. He was also ordered to pay 1,681 in costs and a 60 victim surcharge.
On sentencing, the Chairperson of the bench said:
These offences were committed over a significant period of time, and it is your responsibility to be appropriately qualified.
Speaking about the decision, Immigration Services Commissioner, Suzanne McCarthy, said:
The OISC is here to ensure that people seeking immigration advice are treated fairly by people they can trust. We have clear standards outlining what we expect in terms of the fitness and competence of regulated advisers.
Mr Gharaie chose to operate outside the law, and without regard for the protection of his clients. I am delighted with the outcome of this case, and I hope it sends a clear message to other people considering providing immigration advice act within the law or you will find yourself in court.