
New OISC documents published

Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner

March 30
12:55 2017

Guidance on Competence 2017

The OISC published its new guidance on competence on 30 March 2017. The last edition was published in 2012.In light of changes over the last five years in immigration law and practice we have re-assessed the required standards that registered advisers must meet to be considered competent and the areas where additional work may be undertaken by advisers.

The new Guidance provides:

  • Updated terminology related to immigration processes and procedures
  • Revised definitions of the work that advisers are able to undertake at each advice Level and Category
  • Greater clarity of the work permitted and not permitted to be undertaken by advisers authorised in each Level and Category
  • Alignment with the 2016 Commissioners Code of Standards
  • Details regarding a new category of work Judicial Review Case Management which suitably qualified advisers will shortly be able to apply to be registered for

The new Guidance will be in force from 1 July 2017

Electronic Application Forms

The OISC is also making changes to its application forms. From 30 March 2017, all those applying for registration or continued registration as immigration advisers with us can complete the appropriate OISC Application form online by visiting our website.The new system will provide a secure file sharing system that will allow us to retrieve the forms electronically. The system will also allow you to submit your supporting documents electronically. Full guidance can be found here.The major benefits of this scheme include:

  • Greater speed and efficiency
  • Removal of the requirement to post documents, reducing the likelihood of documents being lost or misdirected in transit
  • Reduction of your financial burden by ensuring that your applications are received securely.

We will retain the option of paper applications for those advisers who are unable to use the electronic systemIf you have any further queries regarding OISC electronic application forms, please contact for assistance.

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