
These decisions follow a consultation which ran from 1st July to 26th August 2015
In making these decisions we have considered responses to the consultation as well as equality and regulatory impact assessments we undertook. These documents are available here:
Our decisions around assessments arrangements also reflect the subject content requirements published by DfE
Assessment decisions:
We previously decided that new GCSEs should only be tiered where a single set of assessments cannot assess students across the full ability range. We have decided that assessments for the GCSE Design and Technology will not be tiered.
We have decided that GCSE Design and Technology will be assessed with 50% of the marks allocated to exams and 50% to non-exam assessment.
Following consultation we have changed the assessment objectives that all Exam Boards qualifications will need to cover. The assessment objectives that will be used and their weightings are set out in the table below.
Assessment objectives | Weighting |
AO1 Identify, investigate and outline design possibilities to address needs and wants | 10% |
AO2 Design and make prototypes that are fit for purpose | 30% |
AO3 Analyse and evaluate design decisions and outcomes, including for prototypes made by themselves and others. Analyse and evaluate wider issues in design technology | 20% |
AO4 Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of technical principles, and design and making principles | 40% |
Regulatory arrangementsWe will run a short consultation on the technical nature of the regulations necessary to give effect to these decisions shortly.
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