
Regulation: GCE qualification-level conditions and requirements


December 19
12:29 2023


These documents set out rules and regulations for all reformed AS and A levels.

Read the associated guidance to understand how to comply with these rules.

You should also read therelevant subject-level conditionsand our requirements for all qualifications.

Published 9 April 2014
Last updated 19 December 2023 +show all updates
  1. Removed Condition4.3.

  2. Updates to reflect GCE Qualification Level Conditions and Requirements decisions made January 2023. Condition GCE4 Assessment by Examination amendedCondition GCE16 Administrative Error Review amendedCondition GCE17 Review of marking of Marked Assessment Material amended

  3. Qualification Level Conditions for GCE qualifications have had minor amendments to address a possible ambiguity in the interpretation provisions, and remove redundant Conditions that were in place to bring reform into effect over a number of years. These are minor changes, and awarding organisations will not need to take any action as a result of these amendments. The changes will have no practical effect for students or any other user of qualifications.For GCE qualification-level conditions and requirements we have amended the interpretation provision at Condition GCE25. We have also removed redundant Conditions used to bring reform into effect.

  4. Added new requirements for 2022 assessments to Condition GCE4.

  5. Document updated to reflect changes following consultation on reviews of marking, moderation and appeals, and put into new brand template

  6. Removed expired transitional provisions

  7. Incorporated requirements for key dates. Added link to published notices.

  8. Corrected minor typographical and formatting errors in Conditions: GCE11.1; 14.5; 14.8; 17.7; 18.12; 26.4.

  9. Published requirements for key dates for reviews of marking, reviews of moderation and appeals.

  10. Updated following introduction of our rules for enquiries and appeals

  11. Added regulations for reviews and appeals

  12. Added new requirements for setting standards

  13. Added new rules about use of calculators

  14. Published new edition of document which updates the list of qualifications it applies to.

  15. First published.

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