
Statistics: Ofqual – Statistics at Ofqual


December 12
11:24 2024

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See our upcoming official statistics and recently published official statistics.

For interactive visualisations of our data, see the Ofqual analytics site.

For research reports, see our research at Ofqual page.

Ofqual publishes statistics and other analytical outputs on regulated GCSEs, AS and A levels, vocational and technical qualifications in England.

Most of our statistics are based on data collected from the awarding organisations we regulate, as outlined in our guidance on gathering information from awarding organisations. Survey data is also used to produce some of our statistics.

Our official statistics publications

Our official statistics publications are produced and released in accordance with theCode of Practice for Statistics and regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR).

You can also read about Ofqualspolicies and procedures for producing official statistics.

Provide your feedback

We welcome your feedback on our publications. If you have any comments on any of our statistical releases, or how to improve them to meet your needs, please complete our short survey or email our statistics team.

Annual qualifications market report

The annual qualifications market report is a yearly look at the overall status of the qualifications market in England. It details statistics such as, but not limited to:

  • number of awarding organisations offering regulated qualifications
  • number of available qualifications and their categories
  • number of certificates awarded by qualification type and other categories
  • market share of each awarding organisation
  • overview of the international market for qualifications regulated in England

Perceptions of qualifications

The perceptions of qualifications series explores perceptions of a range of different qualifications, confidence in the examination system in England, and themes surrounding employment and skills.

Provisional and final exam entries

The entries for GCSE, AS and A level series reports on the number of entries submitted for each GCSE, AS and A level exam series in England, as well as the number of entries that were submitted late by schools and colleges.

Vocational and other qualifications quarterly certificates

The vocational and other qualifications quarterly series is a quarterly dataset relating to information about vocational qualifications in England. It provides data on the number of certificates issued, categorised by sector subject area, awarding organisation, qualification level and qualification type.

Malpractice by schools, colleges, staff and students

The annual malpractice in GCSE, AS and A level series details breaches of exam board regulations that might undermine the integrity of assessments. This can include acts of plagiarism by students as well as failures by school or college staff to comply with exam board instructions.

Reviews of marking and moderation

The annual reviews of marking and moderation for GCSE, AS and A level series provides statistics on the number of reviews of marking and moderation performed by exam boards for qualifications in England.

Appeals against results and other decisions

The annual appeals for GCSE, AS, A level and Project qualifications series provides statistics on appeals against decisions made by exam boards relating to reviews of marking and moderation, malpractice decisions, and decisions on reasonable adjustments and special consideration.

Special consideration

The annual special consideration in GCSE, AS and A level series details the number of adjustments made to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances.

Access arrangements

The annual access arrangements for GCSE, AS and A level series details the number of access arrangements (including modified papers) granted for students in England.

Other statistical publications

Ofqual also publishes other routine statistical outputs which are not designated official statistics.

Equalities analysis

The annual equalities analysis explores how attainment gaps for students with different characteristics (some of which are protected) and socio-economic status vary over time, for GCSEs, A levels and a subset of vocational and technical qualifications.

Apprencticeship end-point assessment (EPA) outcomes

The annual EPA outcomes report provides information on the volumes and outcomes of apprenticeship end-point assessments regulated by Ofqual.

Data analytics and visualisations

Complementing our statistical releases, theOfqual Analytics siteprovides a range of further analytics and interactive visualisations to allow you to explore data on the qualifications, examinations and assessment system in England. The data used for these analytics is also available for download.

Ofqual only produces statistics relating to England. For similar statistics produced by the other UK nations, see:

Additional data and statistics on the wider education system in England are published by:

Ofqual also publishes a number of research publications, in many cases involving statistics, on the qualifications, examinations and assessment system in England.See our

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