class="gem-c-govspeak govuk-govspeak gem-c-govspeak--direction-ltr govuk-!-margin-bottom-0">
The poster explains that Ofsted registers and inspects childcare for children aged from birth to 17 years.
class="gem-c-govspeak govuk-govspeak gem-c-govspeak--direction-ltr govuk-!-margin-bottom-0">
The poster explains that Ofsted registers and inspects childcare for children aged from birth to 17 years.
The poster has been updated to fix a printing issue.
We have updated the phone number parents can call if they have a concern or complaint to 0300 123 4666.
Updated the poster to clarify Ofsted's role in childcare registration and regulation. Clarified how to contact us and where parents can find additional information on early years settings and childcare. Provided an accessible HTML version.
Updated contact details on the poster.
First published.