Ordnance Survey
5G Planning geospatial considerations: A guide for planners and local authorities
This report provides a comprehensive approach to help assess the environment being considered for deployment identifying which geospatial features are important to consider, how to identify them and which techniques and associated indicative costs may be involved to assist planners in budgeting.
The guide has been developed by Ordnance Survey following joint research with Surrey Universitys5GIC department, The Met Office and Bournemouth University along with guidance provided by DCMS. It focuses on how the man made and natural environment impacts the propagation of 5G mmWave signals and what network planners and local authorities need to consider when planning a new network.
The effect of the built and natural environment of millimetric radio waves
This report demonstrates the impact on performance of 5G networks from physical features not currently considered in network planning, including street furniture and vegetation, and the important role that weather conditions play.
The research has been developed by Ordnance Survey following joint research with 5GIC and the Met Office. It highlights the significance of appropriate spatial planning to make a 5G network cost effective, including high-resolution geospatial data integrated with a range of other information types (particularly meteorological data) served via a functionally-rich planning tool. The solution recommended in this report (a combination of data and software) is an essential prerequisite to opening higher frequencies for 5G use not just in the UK, but globally.