Planning Inspectorate
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The Planning Inspectorate is an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) . It plays a key role in managing sustainable development and is critical to the delivery of the Governments social, economic and environmental agendas. Each year, our work directly affects the lives of many people through the decisions and recommendations we make.
The decisions and recommendations we make affect individuals and communities and must be demonstrably fair, open and impartial. Our procedures make provision for expression of local feeling and assessment of potential local impact, with our Inspectors undertaking examinations, inquiries and hearings in the affected locality, with site visits on the majority of appeals. The Inspectorate has a longstanding policy relating to the involvement, in a private capacity, of any Inspector or member of Admin staff in our casework, protecting our reputation for fairness and impartiality.
Directors and Non-Executive Directors are obliged to declare any business or other interests, or any personal connections, which could be misconstrued or cause embarrassment to the Inspectorate or our parent organisations (DLUHC).
- All Directors, and Non-Executive Directors, are required to complete a declaration as part of the Annual Accounts process.
- The forms completed by applicants for Non-Executive Director posts include a declaration of any interests that could impact on their role if successful.
- A standing agenda item for Board and Committee meetings makes provision for attendees to declare any such interests.
There have been no declarations made by the Board members with regards to political interests and property interests (all have declared their home address. Trudi Elliott has a property in London). These with all other interests in the table will continue to be monitored and updated should any declarations be made.