
Press release: Appointment of Church Commissioner: 20 December 2022

Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street

December 20
10:00 2022

The King has approved that Mr Christopher Kif Hancock be appointed a Church Commissioner for five years effective from 1 January 2023, in succession to Mr Duncan Owen who resigns on 31 December 2022.


Christopher Kif Hancock is a partner and CIO International at Brown Advisory. He is a highly credible and experienced capital allocator and Chair of Browns International Investment Committee. His professional experience includes time living and working in Europe, Asia and North America with both for-profit and non-profit organisations. Since joining Brown in 2008, Kif has obtained considerable knowledge of working with and advising both institutional and private clients (including international experience) and a strong track record of capital allocation across equities, alternatives, and fixed-income investments. He is an American but he and his family have been residents in England for many years.

Kif is a Committed Christian and volunteers for his local churches in London and Oxfordshire (St. Michaels Chester Square and St A

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