
Press release: Joint Statement between UK and Slovenia: 18 July 2024

Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street

July 18
16:29 2024

On18 July 2024,at the fourth meeting of the European Political Community in the UK, the UKPrime Minister Sir Keir Starmerand SloveniasPrimeMinisterRobert Golob acknowledged the importance of longstanding and multi-faceted relations between the UK and Slovenia. They emphasised positive developments in many areas of cooperation in over three decades of relations between two like-minded partners who share a mutual vision on a broad range of international issues.

The Prime Ministers acknowledged the high level of strategic and operational law enforcement cooperation between the UK and Slovenia. In view of the continuously changing nature of all forms of crime, they declaredtheir commitment todevelop further law-enforcement cooperation and towork together to fight organised criminal groups, including support for the new UK Border Security Command. . They further welcomed greater UK/EU cooperation to tackle organised immigration crime and irregular migration.

Building onthe2022 United Kingdom and Slovenia Joint Statement of Intent, whichdescribes our close cooperation in the areas of foreign and security policy, economic cooperation and science, education and culture, theyaffirmed the importance of a shared approach to preventing and fighting terrorism, serious and organised crime, including irregular migration, and other cross-border crime. They agreed that the UK and Slovenia will work together to fight organised crimeby:

a)Sharing strategic level analysis and expertise through regular information exchanges to analyse emerging risks and share methods and techniques to mitigate them;

b)Strengthening real time law enforcement - to - law enforcement information sharing, including with prosecutors, through new and existing communication channels to prevent, disrupt and address cross-border threats;

c)Jointly identifying and working together to close the gaps that organised criminal groups can exploit;

d)Fostering effective cooperation in justice matters between the UK and Slovenia.

The Prime Ministers agreed to instruct their respective senior officialstotakeforwardtheagreed initiativesto enhance ourlaw enforcement co

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