
Speech: PM’s press conference remarks at the European Political Community summit: 18 July 2024

Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street

July 18
17:29 2024

Hello everyone, thanks for being here.

Weve had a very successful and productive summit

Bringing together 46 European leaders including President Zelenskyy who addressed the EPC this morning.

We discussed once again our commitment to stand with Ukraine

Including supporting their energy needs ahead of winter

And cracking down on the ships that are helping Russia to evade sanctions.

We need to be clear that Ukraine is fighting not just for the Ukrainian people - and of course it is - But for the European people

For freedom, democracy and the rule of law.

Our security therefore starts in Ukraine.

So we pledged to President Zelenskyy, once again, that we will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes.

We also had productive discussions on wider European security

Defending our democracies against Russian interference

And supporting countries like Moldova who are dealing with more direct threats.

Its not just a good idea to work with our partners, its essential.

I said on the steps of Downing Street, that I would govern for the whole country including those who didnt vote for us.

And I meant it.

We can only make progress on the issues that so many people care about

Like illegal migration and national security

If we have the maturity and leadership to reach out a hand to our European friends.

And I want to congratulate Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election today as President of the European Commission.

So we are going to deepen our cooperation

On defence and security

And on illegal migration, where we are resetting our approach and thats been central today.

We are going to smash the gangs, break their business model, and secure our borders.

We will do this, not by committing taxpayer money to gimmicks

But with practical solutions, that are in line with international law.

As Director of Public Prosecutions, I saw the work that can be done, across borders

To bring terrorists to justice and break up their networks.

I simply do not accept that we cant do the same with organised migration crime.

We started that work here today.

Were increasing the UK presence at Europol in The Hague

To play our full part in the European Migrant Smuggling Centre.

Weve agreed new cooperation arrangements with partners like Slovenia and Slovakia, to disrupt organised crime.

And with our new Border Security Command

We are going to work with our European partners to share intelligence, data and expertise and put the gangs out of business.

To stop illegal migration, we must also tackle it at source.

So today I am announcing 84 million of new funding for projects across Africa and the Middle East.

That includes humanitarian and health support, skills training, help with job opportunities, and access to education.

This is a vital part of gripping the migration crisis.

And it shows how we are going to do business on the world stage.

We are facing up to the huge problems beyond our shores

Because these problems echo at home.

The effects play out on our streets.

In a dangerous world, we serve no-one and solve nothing by turning inward.

We have to step forward and lead.

Thats what were doing thats what weve shown here today.

Because its the best way to uphold our values

And keep our people safe.

So, Im proud to leave this summit with stronger relationships across Europe

And to leave the EPC in a stronger position as well.

With a clear agenda for the coming months

And the next summits confirmed in Hungary this year

And Albania and Denmark in 2025.

Thank you very much.

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Published 18 July 2024

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