
Speech: Prime Minister Keir Starmer's statement in Downing Street: 1 August

Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street

August 1
16:01 2024

This week we are a nation in shock.

A country coming to terms with an attack so inexplicably vile

That fear is an understandable reaction.

Our first thoughts of course are with the families at the heart of this

Their pain is unimaginable.

And so I call on everyone to give them and indeed the wider community at Southport

The space to grieve.

And time for the authorities in Merseyside

To do their job.

There will be a time for questions.

And we will make sure that the victims and families in Southport

Are at the heart of that process

Thats the very least that we owe these families.

But we also owe them justice.

So while theres a prosecution that must not be prejudiced

For them to receive the justice that they deserve

The time for answering those questions is not now.

And I remind everyone that the price for a trial that is prejudiced

Is ultimately paid by the victims and their families.

Who are deprived of the justice that they deserve.

Let me turn now to the actions of a tiny, mindless minority in our society.

Because in the aftermath of this attack

The community of Southport had to suffer twice.

A gang of thugs, got on trains and busses

Went to a community that is not their own

A community grieving the most horrific tragedy

And then proceeded to throw bricks at police officers.

Police officers who just 24 hours earlier

Had been having to deal with an attack on children in theircommunity.

Their community.

And make no mistake

Whether its in Southport, London or Hartlepool

These people are showing our country exactly who they are.

Mosques targeted because they are Mosques.

Flares thrown at the statue of Winston Churchill.

A Nazi salute at the Cenotaph.

And so Ive just held a meeting with senior police and law enforcement leaders

Where weve resolved to show who we are.

A country that will not allow understandable fear

To curdle into division and hate in our communities.

And that will not permit, under any circumstances

A breakdown in law and order on our streets.

Because lets be very clear about this.

Its not protest.

Its not legitimate.

Its crime

Violent disorder.

An assault on the rule of law and the execution of justice.

And so on behalf of the British people

Who expect their values and their security to be upheld

We will put a stop to it.

I want to thank all of the police officers, across the country

Who have already, as they so often do

Stood up to intimidation and violence in the past few days

And indeed, throughout the summer.

And let me be clear the meeting this afternoon was not about pointing the finger of blame

That is not how this Government of Service conducts its business

Because it doesnt work.

Rather this was a meeting to pull together our response

A response both to the immediate challenge

Which is clearly driven by far-right hatred.

But also - all violent disorder that flares up.

Whatever the apparent cause or motivation we make no distinction

Crime is crime.

And so - to that end

I can announce today, that following this meeting

we will establish a national capability, across police forces

To tackle violent disorder.

These thugs are mobile

They move from community to community

And we must have a policing response that can do the same.

Shared intelligence

Wider deployment of facial recognition technology

And preventive action criminal behaviour orders

To restrict their movements

Before they can even board a train

In just the same way we do with football hooligans.

And let me also say to large social media companies and those who run them

Violent disorder clearly whipped up online

That is also a crime.

Its happening on your premises.

And the law must be upheld everywhere.

That is the single most important duty of Government

Service rests on security.

And we will take all necessary action

To keep our streets safe.

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Published 1 August 2024

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