
Passenger trapped in doors and dragged at Enfield Town station

Rail Accident Investigation Branch

August 2
09:01 2024

At around 18:07 hrs on 17 July 2024, a passenger attempted to board a train at Enfield Town station as the doors were closing. This resulted in their hand becoming trapped in the closed doors of the train.? The train subsequently departed from the platform with the passengers hand still trapped in the doors. This forced the passenger to run alongside the train, eventually losing their footing. Passengers on the train alerted the driver who then stopped the train and released the doors, allowing the passenger to free their hand. During the accident, the train travelled approximately 60 metres and reached a speed of 11 mph (18 km/h). The passenger sustained minor physical injuries and psychological distress from the accident.

We have undertaken a preliminary examination into the circumstances surrounding this incident. Having assessed the evidence which has been gathered to date, we have decided to publish a

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