Regulatory Delivery

Talking Business, an initiative designed to help council communications teams to highlight the significant role played by regulators in supporting business and encouraging business growth, is returning for a second workshop in Birmingham on 11 July 2016.
Regulators are probably the most significant face-to-face contact a local authority has with its business community yet their impact on the business environment can be overlooked, partly because their activity is a small part of what a local authority does overall, and partly because there are many competing, high profile issues and stories for communications teams to deal with.
To be held at the offices of Regulatory Delivery (a directorate of Business, Innovation and Skills), the workshop is for local authority communications teams and seeks to highlight:
- the importance of sending positive messages to the business community
- the major role regulatory delivery has in enhancing business confidence and encouraging investment and innovation
- ways of overcoming obstacles to good business communications
Speakers on the day will include Matthew Cooper of the Local Government Association (LGA) who will provide the local authority viewpoint. The LGA published Open for Business which highlights how public protection services can support local businesses.
A business speaker (TBC) will highlight the value of well-delivered regulation.
Entrepreneurs such as Brett Holmes point to great outcomes for local businesses from partnership work with local regulators.
Talking Business complements the Better Business for All programme (BBfA), which brings together businesses and regulators to change how local regulation is delivered and received at a strategic level. This is done through local partnerships that identify the issues facing local businesses and shape the provision of effective support services to them. At the workshop, Trevor McIlwaine of Regulatory Delivery will explain why BBfA is so important in the light of devolution deals.
Local authority communications officers should book their FREE reservations asap as space is limited.