
Research: Ban on the sale and supply of disposable vapes in England: RPC opinion (green-rated)

Regulatory Policy Committee

October 25
14:22 2024

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The Departments IA has identified and sought to quantify a range of impacts linked to the proposed ban on disposable vapes. The recent consultation and stakeholder engagement has been used to refine and update the quantitative analysis. An estimate of the impact upon small and micro businesses (SMBs) has been included, although a qualitative assessment of the broader impacts faced by SMBs would be welcomed. The rationale needs strengthening, but the Department has significantly improved the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan since consultation.

The main impacts identified by the Department are the loss of profit to businesses from a reduction in the sale of vape products over the appraisal period, familiarisation costs, the indirect costs associated with switching to alternatives and the range of impacts faced by local authorities arising from their enforcement of the legislation as well as their role in managing waste.

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Published 25 October 2024

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