Regulatory Policy Committee
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The Bill makes provision about local and school bus services.The impact assessment (IA) covers 21 individual measures, which aim to deliver the Governments five-point plan for improving the bus network and consistency in local areas across the country: facilitate franchising; permit the establishment of new local authority bus companies; enhance the accessibility and safety of bus travel; modify the registration process for bus services; and reduce emissions from bus travel.
The Department has clearly identified the problems under consideration in detail, referencing the presence of four overarching market failures. The summary IA estimates a central NPSV of 723 million and a public sector financial cost of 722 million from the loss of fuel duty due to the shift to zero emission vehicles and increased spend through the Bus Service Operators Grant. The evaluation of the business impacts and the approach to monetisation seem appropriate and proportionate, with the Department providing NPV estimates totalling 292 million (central estimate).
The assessment of impacts on small and micro businesses is good, and the IA provides a satisfactory plan for monitoring and evaluation.