
Research: Summary of published RPC Opinions

Regulatory Policy Committee

May 24
12:49 2024

The Regulatory Policy Committee assesses the quality of Government Impact Assessments (IAs). We publish our opinions on IAs when the IAs themselves are published.

Since late 2020 (when we started using a new format), RPC opinions have offered views on the overall fitness-for-purpose of the IA, whether the Departments estimate of the direct costs of the measure and the assessment of the impacts on small and micro businesses are fit for purpose or not; and ratings for the quality of the assessment of: rationale and objectives, cost-benefit analysis, wider impacts, and monitoring and evaluation (these are rated either good, satisfactory, weak or very weak).

While these ratings and quality assessments are already in the public domain, they sit in individual RPC opinions, and it is therefore difficult to see trends in the data and to compare the performance of different departments. We have therefore decided to make available the attached spreadsheet that summarises the key information across all of our published IA opinions since we started using the current format.

We will update this spreadsheet periodically.

Published 24 May 2024

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