
Guidance: Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2023

Rural Payments Agency

February 9
12:08 2023


Farming Equipment and Technology Fund items will help improve:

  • farm productivity
  • the environment
  • animal health and welfare
  • management of slurry

There are 2 themes to the grant, each with an online application portal:

  • Productivity and Slurry
  • Animal Health and Welfare

You can apply to either portal or both, for items that best suit your business.

The grant is competitive, and you will not automatically get a grant. The success of your application(s) will depend on the number and value of applications we receive.

The online application window for Productivity and Slurry items is expected to open later in February and Animal Health and Welfare items in March.

Published 9 February 2023

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