Rural Payments Agency
January 11
When farmers apply for a rural payment scheme, they must use the codes on this page to declare what they use their land for.
To search the lists on this page, click CTRL and F and type in the term or code youre looking for.
There are codes for:
- agricultural land
- non-agricultural land
- Countryside Stewardship options with multiple crops
There are also some codes you must not use for BPS.
Agricultural land
Land use codes for agricultural land are given below for:
- permanent grassland and permanent grassland buffer strips
- permanent crops
- arable land: temporary grassland, fallow land, and arable buffer strips
- arable land: arable crops
- arable land: leguminous and nitrogen-fixing crops
Permanent grassland and permanent grassland buffer strips
Land use | Code | Description |
Permanent grassland | PG01 | All land you are planning to count as permanent grassland for BPS. You can include strips and margins of permanent grassland under the main land use of the parcel and they do not need to be separately identified. |
Permanent crops
Land use | Code | Description |
Permanent crops other than nursery crops and short rotation coppice | TC01 | Permanent crops are crops that occupy the land for 5 years or more (other than permanent grassland) and nursery crops and provide repeated harvests. They include nursery crops short rotation (code NU01) and short rotation coppice (code SR01). Multi-annual/perennial crops include: Almonds Apples Apricots Artichoke Asparagus Avocados Bilberries Blackberries Blueberries Cherries Chestnuts Citrus fruit Cranberries Currants English Chamomile Figs Gooseberries Grapes Guavas Hazelnuts Hops Hyssop Lavender Loganberries Macadamia nuts Mangos Mangosteens Melissa Mint Miscanthus Mulberries Papayas and Locust beans Peaches Pears Pecans Pineapples Pine nuts Pistachios Plantains Plums Raspberries Reed canary grass Rhubarb Rosemary Sloes and Quinces Walnuts Yarrow Other fruits under the genus Vaccinium are also permanent crops Includes flower crops such as: Agrinomy Autumn Hawk-bit Betony Bladder Campion Bluebell Bulbous Buttercup Cats Ear Clustered Bellflower Coltsfoot Common Daisy Common Mallow Common Sorrel Cowslip Creeping Buttercup Dandelion Devils-bit Scabious Drop wort Field Scabious Garlic Mustard Great Burnet Greater Hawk-bit Greater Knapweed Greater Mullein Heartsease Hedge Woundwort Hoary Plantain Kidney Vetch Ladys Bed Straw Lawn Chamomile Lesser Knapweed Meadow Buttercup Meadow Cranesbill Meadow Vetchling Meadowsweet Musk Mallow Nettle Leaved Bellflower Ox-Eye Daisy Purple Loosestrife Purple Toadflax Ragged Robin Red Campion Ribwort Plantain Salad Burnet Self Heal Small Scabious St. Johns Wort Vipers Bugloss Water Avens White Campion Wild Angelica Wild Garlic Wild Primrose Wood Avens Yellow Flag Iris Yellow Toad Flax |
Nursery crops | NU01 | Nursery crops are areas of young woody plants grown in the open air, on soil in greenhouses, or under polytunnels for later transplantation. They include: Vine and root stock nurseries Fruit tree and berry nurseries Ornamental nurseries Mixed nurseries of forest trees (except those for the holdings own requirements grown in woodland) Nurseries of trees and bushes for planting in gardens, parks, at the road side and on embankments Nursery crops do not include Christmas trees unless they are grown in nurseries for later transplantation. |
Short rotation coppice | SR01 | Short rotation coppice includes areas planted with tree species that consist of woody, perennial crops, the rootstock or stools remaining in the ground after harvesting, with new shoots emerging in the following season. The initial tree planting must have been planted after the year 2000 . The eligible species for short rotation coppice are: Alder (Alnus) Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Birch (Betula) Hazel (Corylus avellana) Hornbeam (Carpinus spp) Lime (Tilia cordata) Poplar (Populus spp) Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Willow (Salix spp) |
Arable land: temporary grassland, fallow land, and arable buffer strips
Land use | Code | Description |
Temporary grassland | TG01 | All land you are planning to count as temporary grassland for BPS. You can include the areas of strips and margins of temporary grassland under the land use code you are using for the main land use of the parcel and they dont need to be separately identified. |
Land lying fallow | FA01 | All land you are planning to count as fallow land for BPS. Wild bird mixes can be coded under a number of different land use codes, as long as in your individual example matches the criteria, for example: a) as a mixed crop if there is an area where a seed mixture is sown, it doesnt matter what crops are included in the mix. b) as fallow land when it is land which has no crop production or grazing on it, but is maintained in a state suitable for grazing or cultivation. These must be an un-harvestable mix of at least 2 crops that support wildlife and pollinators (advisers from the Championing the Farmed Environment can help farmers choose). Wild-bird seed mixes should be an area with a balanced combination of small-seed bearing crops, for example Barley, Triticale, Kale, Quinoa, Linseed, Millet, Mustard, Fodder radish, Sunflower. This will benefit over-wintering birds. Pollen sources and nectar sources should be in an area with a mixture of nectar-rich plants, for example Red clover, Alsike clover, Birds foot trefoil, Sainfoin, Musk mallow or Common knapweed. This will benefit nectar feeding insects like butterflies and bumble bees. |
Arable land: arable crops
Land use | Genus | Species | Code | Description |
Aster (Chinese) | Callistephus | - | AC97 | - |
Aubergine-type arable crop | Solanaceae | Solanum melongena | AC46 | Includes Aubergine and Eggplant |
Banana squash- type arable crop | Cucurbitacae | Cucurbita maxim | AC53 | Includes Banana squash and Buttercup squash |
Barley (spring)- type arable crop | Hordeum | Spring variety | AC01 | Includes Feed barley, Malting barley, Two row barley, Six row barley |
Barley (winter)- type arable crop | Hordeum | Winter variety | AC63 | Includes Feed barley, Malting barley, Two row barley, Six row barley |
Basil-type arable crop | Ocimum | - | AC02 | Includes all Basils |
Beet-type arable crop | Beta | - | AC03 | Includes Beetroot, Chard, Field beet, Fodder beet, Mangolds, Redbeet, Sugar beet |
Borage-type arable crop | Borago | - | AC04 | Includes Borage |
Brown mustard- type arable crop | Brassicaceae | Sinapsis alba | AC37 | Includes Brown mustard; Use AC38 for White or Yellow mustard |
Buckwheat-type arable crop | Fagopyrum | - | AC05 | Includes Buckwheat |
Butternut squash-type arable crop | Cucurbitacae | Cucurbita moschata | AC54 | Includes Butternut squash, Cheese pumpkin |
Cabbage (spring)-type arable crop | Brassicaceae | Brassica
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