
Guidance: Earnings adjustment statement (EAS) 2016 to 2017

Skills Funding Agency

May 26
11:22 2017

Earnings adjustment statement guidance 2016 to 2017

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The Earnings Adjustment Statement (EAS) is an online process that you use to claim funding that is not reported in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR).

This funding falls into the following categories:

  1. Excess learning support
  2. Exceptional learning support
  3. Audit adjustments
  4. Authorised claims
  5. Learner support
  6. Vulnerable student bursary
  7. Discretionary bursary
  8. Free meals.

Further information on Learning and Learner Support and evidence requirements can be found in the Funding Rules 2016 to 2017.

Published 13 September 2016
Last updated 26 May 2017 +show all updates
  1. New version of EAS technical guidance uploaded on 26 May 2017.

  2. First published.

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