Standards and Testing Agency
Schools, local authorities and others involved in primary assessment are invited to participate in these live events. Once registered, you will be able to access and participate in them from your own computer.
The webinars provide a unique opportunity to ask questions of our panel of experts on a wide range of issues and changes to assessment which come into effect this year.
Webinar dates and start times are:
- key stage 1 assessments: Friday 20 November at 11am
- key stage 2 assessments: Friday 20 November at 2pm
Each webinar will last no longer than an hour.
Registration is open now. You can register to attend a webinar and also submit any questions you might have beforehand.
The key stage 1 webinar will cover topics and respond to questions on:
- the main changes to the tests
- the introduction of the new arithmetic test
- the introduction of a separate English spelling test and removal of the reading test
- the introduction of scaled scores
- interim teacher assessment frameworks for 2016
- the new reception baseline assessment
The key stage 2 webinar will cover a range of topics, including responding to questions about:
- the main changes to the tests
- a greater focus on fictional tests in English reading and testing technical grammatical terms
- removal of mental mathematics
- the introduction of an arithmetic test to assess basic mathematical calculations
- the introduction of scaled scores
- interim teacher assessment frameworks for 2016
- accountability, including progress measures and floor standards
Panel members will include the STAs heads of test development research, assessment policy and moderation of teacher assessment and maladministration at key stages 1 and 2.
Recordings of the webinars will also be available to watch after the event, without the need to register.
The webinars are the latest product to be added to STAs online approach, which includes the publication of videos containing bite-size updates about different elements of primary assessment. This approach allows instant access to information which schools and other viewers can watch at a time convenient to them.
The videos include:
- 2016 national curriculum tests and assessments - a summary of the changes at key stages 1 and 2 in 2016
- 2016 interim teacher assessment frameworks - for key stages 1 and 2, outlining the standards pupils will be assessed against in 2016
- NCA tools short user guide - a demonstration of basic navigation of the site and how to place test orders for 2016
Some videos are accompanied by PowerPoint presentations which are also available to download for internal training purposes.